🤩Monthly Promotion – August

覓食8月優惠分享您拍的覓食餐點照片至任何一個社交平台 即可立馬享受堂食內用9折優惠(早餐除外)(Facebook,Instagram,Google Map,line,微信朋友圈,小紅書等,選一個社交平台發佈就可以啦~)無論是帖子,圖片,還是限時動態均可每桌只需一位客人把餐點隨手一拍,動動手指,一鍵發送後展示給我們的服務生看,覓食就可以幫您整桌打9折啦(ps:分單除外) 歡迎大家踴躍參與,美食在您們的鏡頭下顯得更加美味了,個個都是攝影大師 August Dine-in PromotionPost your Myst food photo to any social media to get 10% off for dine-in.(Not applicable to Breakfast)

November’s Special – Thick Cut Moon Shrimp Cake

Thick-cut Moon Shrimp Cake is one of the most famous dishes in Taiwan. A Crispy pancake shell is stuffed with fresh shrimp and shrimp paste, which creates an excellent crispy and “Q”-texture. The cake is 1 cm thick so that you can taste the shrimp flavour with every dish. We hope this dish will bring […]

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